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Ambulance Officer Crews

By 15 February 2022No Comments

The AEAWA would like to express profound disappointment that ‘consultation’ regarding the introduction of Ambulance Officer crews, indisputably a major change, has been sought after the communication of a detailed plan is announced to the wider workforce. It is clear the decision has already been made to implement this plan, and this consultation is mere lip service.

The lack of true consultation is a shameless attempt to railroad this change through. This change meets Section 7.1 ‘Major Change’ of the Certified Agreement in particular 7.1(b) (ii) to the composition, operation or size of the employer’s workforce or to the skills required of employees; and (iii) the elimination or diminution of job opportunities (including opportunities for promotion or tenure); and (vii) the restructuring of jobs.

This change is a violation of Section 9.1 ‘Paramedic Progression’ of the Ambulance Officers/Paramedics Enterprise Agreement 2018, and accepted custom and practice of ‘operational crew’, and subsequently the Student Ambulance Officer Progression Policy Version 2.

This change constitutes a risk to health and safety, with Ambulance Officers having received no training, preparation or notice at any stage in their career up until this point, preparing them to work with another Ambulance Officer.

We have written to St John WA and informed them that we are seeking urgent legal advice in relation to this change.

Kind regards


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