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Executive Committee

The AEAWA Executive Committee

John Thomas 0411 129 797
[email protected]

Vice President
Mike Hardwick 0417 983 140
[email protected]

Lee Waller 0417 995 135
[email protected]

Callan McClure 0417 711 840
[email protected]

Executive Delegate
Conrad Fairhead 0428 389 005
[email protected]

Executive Delegate
Jesse George 0425 824 892
[email protected]

Executive Delegate
Andrew Kerfoot TBA
[email protected]

The AEAWA Executive Roles

The AEAWA President

The AEAWA financial member elected as the President shall.

  • Act as the chief executive officer of the entire Association.
  • Establish effective procedures to track grievances.
  • Oversee the treasury and the budget.
  • Supervise any AEAWA employed personnel and all delegates (inclusive of the Executive, AEAWA Committee members and AEAWA Depot Delegates).
  • Act within the confines of the Constitution and the policies established by the membership and the Executive Committee.
  • Ensure vigorous defence of any member whose job rights have been threatened.
  • Supervise implementation of Executive Committee decisions
  • Supervise day-to-day implementation of Association policy and day to day running’s.
  • Be a financial member of the AEAWA.
  • Oversee the negotiation and enforcement of the collective bargaining agreement and Certified Agreement
  • Oversee the development and implementation of a program to help all bargaining unit members strengthen their professional knowledge and practices and mentor and support less experienced colleagues.
  • Oversee an effective structure of workplace Delegates.
  • Oversee effective communications programs to enhance the workplace.
  • Oversee a New Member program
  • Serve as a liaison with the District Academic Senate and report to the Executive Committee on its activities
  • Delegate the responsibilities of the office except where otherwise specified by the Constitution.
  • Oversee and partake in the representation of AEAWA members throughout disciplinary processes.
  • Be an Administrator of the AEAWA Face Book page.

The AEAWA Vice President

The AEAWA financial member elected as the Vice President shall.

  • Temporarily assume the duties of the President in the event of resignation or absence of the President, until a new President is appointed by the Executive Committee, or for the remainder of the term.
  • Carry out all responsibilities delegated by the President assigned by the Executive Committee.
  • Advise and support the membership in building strategies and the development of the Association practices.
  • Represent the membership.
  • Assist other Executive Committee members as necessary.
  • Oversee and partake in the representation of AEAWA members throughout disciplinary processes.
  • Be an Administrator of the AEAWA Face Book page.

The AEAWA Secretary

The AEAWA financial member elected as the Secretary shall.

  • Record and keep accurate minutes of all membership and Executive Committee meetings, including date of meeting, date minutes were adopted, members present, decisions and votes taken.
  • Oversee the work of, and receive and certify the reports of, the Elections Committee.
  • Update and be responsible for the AEAWA Member Database.
  • Assist other Executive Committee members as necessary.
  • Oversee and partake in the representation of AEAWA members throughout disciplinary processes.
  • Assist in the organising of the Annual General Meeting and other required AEAWA Committee Meetings.
  • Be an Administrator of the AEAWA Face Book page.

The AEAWA Treasurer

The AEAWA financial member elected as the Treasurer shall.

  • Oversee the financial affairs of the Association and report periodically to the membership and the Executive Committee on the financial state of the AEAWA.
  • Act as a signatory, with at least one other members of the Association from an Executive level on all financials.
  • Receive and deposit all dues monies and other income of the Membership.
  • Pay all debits as required such as salaries, insurances, expense reimbursements, purchases or other expenses deemed necessary by the Executive Committee.
  • Maintain all financial records of the Association.
  • Assist in the preparation of the budget.
  • Prepare financial statements and submission of reports for all external needs, including the Australian Tax Office or Association bodies.
  • Oversee an annual independent financial audit of the Local’s finances and make audit report available to the Executive Committee and the membership.
  • Oversee and partake in the representation of AEAWA members throughout disciplinary processes.
  • Be an Administrator of the AEAWA Face Book page.

The AEAWA Executive Delegates

The AEAWA financial members (of at least two appointments) elected as Executive Delegates shall.

  • Oversee and partake in the representation of AEAWA members throughout disciplinary processes.
  • Assist in any designated role required by the President, relating to the Association.
  • Be responsible for retaining and recruiting new members to the Association.
  • Be Administrators of the AEAWA Face Book page.

The AEAWA Executive Committee Minutes


Each month (generally on the first Friday of that month) the AEAWA Executive; President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer and the three Executive Delegates meet to discuss AEAWA matters. These meetings are minuted and kept in record by the AEAWA Secretary. As these meeting minutes contain confidential materials related to the Fair Work Commission; unfair dismissals, member under payments etc. They are not published on this website for the media, non-members or members of the public to see.

If you wish to see a copy of any of the below minutes, please contact the AEAWA on [email protected] and a viewing can be arranged. The Executive Committee Meeting Minutes contained on this website will be listed for this calendar year only. Any financial member can ask to see the AEAWA Executive Committee Meeting minutes from the archives, back to the year 2014.

AEAWA Executive Meeting Minutes from Friday 7th October, 2023

Meeting Chaired By
John Thomas

Meeting Conducted

Committee Attendees
John Thomas, Mike Hardwick, Lee Waller, Callan McClure, Jesse George, Tania Hill and Conrad Fairhead.

Committee Apologies
Jesse George and Conrad Fairhead

The AEAWA matters discussed at the meeting
• The AEAWA Secretary and Treasurer Report
• The AEAWA Lawyer Fees
• The AEAWA Application Processes and Costings
• The AEAWA Association Guidelines

The AEAWA Treasurer Report
The AEAWA report from the Treasurer was tabled. The financials of the Association were discussed and all recent debit and credits were provided to the Executive. The Executive Committee both reviewed and accepted the report and any financial member of the Association can request a copy through [email protected].

AEAWA Executive Meeting Minutes from Friday 1st September, 2023

Meeting Chaired By
John Thomas

Meeting Conducted

Committee Attendees
John Thomas, Mike Hardwick, Lee Waller, Callan McClure, Jesse George, Tania Hill and Conrad Fairhead.

Committee Apologies
Jesse George and Conrad Fairhead

The AEAWA matters discussed at the meeting
• The AEAWA Secretary and Treasurer Report
• The AEAWA CEO Meeting
• Upcoming Fair Work Commission cases
• The AEAWA Association Guidelines

The AEAWA Treasurer Report
The AEAWA report from the Treasurer was tabled. The financials of the Association were discussed and all recent debit and credits were provided to the Executive. The Executive Committee both reviewed and accepted the report and any financial member of the Association can request a copy through [email protected].

AEAWA Executive Meeting Minutes from Friday 11th August, 2023

Meeting Chaired By
John Thomas

Meeting Conducted

Committee Attendees
John Thomas, Mike Hardwick, Lee Waller, Callan McClure, Jesse George, Tania Hill and Conrad Fairhead.

Committee Apologies
No apologies

The AEAWA matters discussed at the meeting
• The AMW Financial Audit
• The AEAWA Secretary and Treasurer Report
• The AEAWA CEO Meeting
• Upcoming Fair Work Commission cases
• The AEAWA Association Guidelines

The AEAWA Treasurer Report
The AEAWA report from the Treasurer was tabled. The financials of the Association were discussed and all recent debit and credits were provided to the Executive. The Executive Committee both reviewed and accepted the report and any financial member of the Association can request a copy through [email protected].

AEAWA Executive Meeting Minutes from Friday 6th July, 2023

Meeting Chaired By
John Thomas

Meeting Conducted

Committee Attendees
John Thomas, Mike Hardwick, Lee Waller, Callan McClure, Jesse George, Tania Hill and Conrad Fairhead.

Committee Apologies
No apologies

The AEAWA matters discussed at the meeting
• The AEAWA Annual General Meeting
• The AEAWA Special General Meeting
• The AEAWA Secretary and Treasurer Reports

The AEAWA Treasurer Report
The AEAWA report from the Treasurer was tabled. The financials of the Association were discussed and all recent debit and credits were provided to the Executive. The Executive Committee both reviewed and accepted the report and any financial member of the Association can request a copy through [email protected].

AEAWA Executive Meeting Minutes from Friday 9th June, 2023

Meeting Chaired By
John Thomas

Meeting Conducted

Committee Attendees
John Thomas, Mike Hardwick, Lee Waller, Callan McClure, Jesse George, Tania Hill and Conrad Fairhead.

Committee Apologies
No apologies

The AEAWA matters discussed at the meeting
• The Treasurer Report
• The process for the upcoming financial audit
• The AEAWA Secretary and Treasurer Reports

The AEAWA Treasurer Report
The AEAWA report from the Treasurer was tabled. The financials of the Association were discussed and all recent debit and credits were provided to the Executive. The Executive Committee both reviewed and accepted the report and any financial member of the Association can request a copy through [email protected].

AEAWA Executive Meeting Minutes from Friday 12th May, 2023

Meeting Chaired By
John Thomas

Meeting Conducted

Committee Attendees
John Thomas, Mike Hardwick, Lee Waller, Callan McClure, Jesse George, Tania Hill and Conrad Fairhead.

Committee Apologies
No apologies

The AEAWA matters discussed at the meeting
• The Secretary Report
• The AEAWA membership drive
• The AEAWA Secretary and Treasurer Reports

The AEAWA Treasurer Report
The AEAWA report from the Treasurer was tabled. The financials of the Association were discussed and all recent debit and credits were provided to the Executive. The Executive Committee both reviewed and accepted the report and any financial member of the Association can request a copy through [email protected].

AEAWA Executive Meeting Minutes from Friday 7th April, 2023

Meeting Chaired By
John Thomas

Meeting Conducted

Committee Attendees
John Thomas, Mike Hardwick, Lee Waller, Callan McClure, Jesse George, Tania Hill and Conrad Fairhead.

Committee Apologies
No apologies

The AEAWA matters discussed at the meeting
• The Special General Meeting
• The AEAWA Secretary and Treasurer Reports
• Items required for application.

The AEAWA Treasurer Report
The AEAWA report from the Treasurer was tabled. The financials of the Association were discussed and all recent debit and credits were provided to the Executive. The Executive Committee both reviewed and accepted the report and any financial member of the Association can request a copy through [email protected].

AEAWA Executive Meeting Minutes from Thursday 2nd March, 2023

Meeting Chaired By
John Thomas

Meeting Conducted

Committee Attendees
John Thomas, Mike Hardwick, Lee Waller, Callan McClure, Jesse George, Tania Hill and Conrad Fairhead.

Committee Apologies
No apologies

The AEAWA matters discussed at the meeting
• The Finances of the AEAWA
• The AEAWA Secretary and Treasurer Reports
• Upcoming Fair Work Commission cases
• The AEAWA Annual General Meeting

The AEAWA Treasurer Report
The AEAWA report from the Treasurer was tabled. The financials of the Association were discussed and all recent debit and credits were provided to the Executive. The Executive Committee both reviewed and accepted the report and any financial member of the Association can request a copy through [email protected].

AEAWA Executive Meeting Minutes from Friday 10th February, 2023

Meeting Chaired By
John Thomas

Meeting Conducted

Committee Attendees
John Thomas, Mike Hardwick, Lee Waller, Callan McClure, Jesse George, Tania Hill and Conrad Fairhead.

Committee Apologies
No apologies

The AEAWA matters discussed at the meeting
• The Finances of the AEAWA
• The AEAWA Secretary and Treasurer Reports

The AEAWA Treasurer Report
The AEAWA report from the Treasurer was tabled. The financials of the Association were discussed and all recent debit and credits were provided to the Executive. The Executive Committee both reviewed and accepted the report and any financial member of the Association can request a copy through [email protected].
• Upcoming Fair Work Commission cases
• The AEAWA Website

AEAWA Executive Meeting Minutes from Friday 6th January, 2023

Meeting Chaired By
John Thomas

Meeting Conducted

Committee Attendees
John Thomas, Mike Hardwick, Lee Waller, Callan McClure, Jesse George, Tania Hill and Conrad Fairhead.

Committee Apologies
No apologies

The AEAWA matters discussed at the meeting
• The AEAWA Secretary and Treasurer Reports
• The AEAWA Professional Indemnity Insurance Policy
• Organisation for application.
• Upcoming Fair Work Commission cases
• The AEAWA membership drive

The AEAWA Treasurer Report
The AEAWA report from the Treasurer was tabled. The financials of the Association were discussed and all recent debit and credits were provided to the Executive. The Executive Committee both reviewed and accepted the report and any financial member of the Association can request a copy through [email protected].

AEAWA Executive Meeting Minutes from Friday 19h May, 2023

Meeting Chaired By
John Thomas

Meeting Conducted

Committee Attendees
John Thomas, Mike Hardwick, Lee Waller, Callan McClure, Jesse George, Tania Hill and Conrad Fairhead.

Committee Apologies
No apologies

The AEAWA matters discussed at the meeting
• The AEAWA Secretary and Treasurer Reports
• The AEAWA Special Resolution meeting
• Organisation for application.
• Upcoming Fair Work Commission cases
• The AEAWA membership drive

The results of the AEAWA Special Resolution meeting was passed by the membership and the costings can be viewed here.

The AEAWA Treasurer Report
The AEAWA report from the Treasurer was tabled. The financials of the Association were discussed and all recent debit and credits were provided to the Executive. The Executive Committee both reviewed and accepted the report and any financial member of the Association can request a copy through [email protected].

If you would like to see positive changes for your Industrial colleagues then be a part of the AEAWA Committee.

Contact us and become an AEA Committee Member.

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