Meeting Chaired By
Lee Waller.
Meeting Conducted
12:30 – 13:30.
Committee Attendee’s
John Thomas, Mike Hardwick, Lee Waller, Callan McClure, Dave Higgins, Conrad Fairhead, Andrew Kerfoot, Lindsey MacDougall, Dave Bryant, Rick Candy, Chris Smith, and Aaron Pittaway.
Committee Apologies
Shane Gray, Paul Davies and Jesse George.
Previous Minutes Accepted By
This was the first meeting of the AEAWA Industrial Committee.
Meeting Agenda
This Special Meeting was scheduled due to multiple emails and calls received from Industrial Paramedics, Industrial Medics, Site Paramedics/Medics, Emergency Services Officers, Medical Emergency Services Officers, various others working as part of an Emergency Response Team and Communications Officers throughout the WA Industrial field.
These employees have expressed a significant desire to join the AEAWA. In essence, these employees have asked if they would receive a discount for their Professional Indemnity Insurance, required by AHPRA, and being able to access ShopRite for member discounts.
Various discussions took place regarding the potentiality of industrial employees joining the Association.
Can they Join they AEAWA?
In short yes, the can. At a previous AEAWA Annual General Meeting, the membership was asked if the Committee explored the option to expand into other areas, and other Ambulance Services, could we as a committee, get that approved. The membership voted in favor for that to occur.
What does the Association need to do to make this happen?
As the membership have voted for this expansion, the committee would need to do the following.
1. Open another bank account for membership payments to be separate from St John WA member payments.
2. Design advertising (flyers etc) to get the word out to all those working in the Industrial arena.
3. Add an area to the AEAWA database so they may join.
4. Add an Industrial tab to the AEAWA website.
5. Develop an Industrial portfolio and assign that to an AEAWA Executive member. At this meeting it was voted AEA Secretary Lee Waller would be appointed into this position.
6. Advertise for office staff to assist in this extra workload.
What benefits can these members access?
Currently members within St John WA have access to the following benefits.
• ShopRite
• Professional Indemnity Insurance
• Journey Cover
• Salary Continuance
• Organisational Support through
The only identified issue was the Salary Continuance due to the fact that the AEAWA had 1,300 members under one employer (St John WA). This was the reason the costings for this benefit was able to be achieved.
It would be unlikely the AEAWA would receive these numbers from a singular organisation, to be able to supply that benefit to its Industrial membership. That being said, this benefit will always be reviewed at any upcoming meeting, in case circumstances change.
All other benefits, Industrial Members would receive, the AEAWA would just set up a different email account through the server for these members –
Could the AEAWA take on Industrial Delegates from these locations?
Yes, that actually would assist greatly. Delegates are working in those various, specific environments. They understand the issues, and how things could change to make workplace improvements.
Any Industrial member will have the choice to become a delegate.
Meeting Concluded