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AEAWA Minutes from 2020

2020 AEAWA Minutes

AEAWA SOC JCC Minutes 18th December, 2020

New Chairs for the SOC – Members have stated for quite a while that the SOC chairs have past their use by dates. They have not been replaced for a long time and are used 24/7 and have exceeded their lifespan.

SJA discussed the roll out of new chairs for SOC staff at a significant costing ($70,000) to replace the old chairs in the room. Rollout of these new chairs should occur shortly (this was initially raised in the February JCC), with a hope from SJA management that the chairs should arrive within the next few weeks.

Members want to know when the new headsets are arriving? – Members, tired of receiving constant audio feedback through the antiquated headsets supplied by SJA are asking when safer equipment is arriving. This will significantly reduce employee stress, workplace injuries and time of work for our members in the room.

SJA will report back to employees when this equipment will arrive.

Feedback relating to SOC employee audits – The auditing process is different per officer, there are too many inconsistencies. The auditing process is not performed by peers, SOC officers are audited by office staff who are trained to audit calls, however, they have not performed any of the roles they are auditing. The process is regarded by SOC employees as unsupportive, un-educational and a punitive tool used by management.

SJA state they will change this to make it a fairer process, and will see if the ‘older’ model of auditing (performed by peers) can be re-instated. SJA still believe the audit process is fair.

Leave exchange inconsistencies – Leave exchanges have been denied, whilst others have been approved, the policy appears to be applied differently across the board.

SJA stated the leave policy has been followed, with the minimum of 6 weeks’ notice needs to be given to change leave blocks. They did however state that if an officer needs to change leave as a matter of priority then they should be emailed to assist this change to occur were reasonable.

The shockingly low number of employees in the SOC – Members are concerned of the lack of staffing levels in SOC, this is leading to poor morale and employee burnout. There are multiple vacancies not being filled, and all shifts are experiencing over 400 missed triple-0 calls. Call takers constantly seeing 8 plus triple-0 calls on the screen not being answered.

SJA stated there is a current business case at Director level for sign off for 20 new officers. However, SJA are mindful of staff being subjected to ‘mentor fatigue’; meaning at such busy times and new staff already being mentored they are mindful that staff have been extremely busy and a new run of mentoring will soon occur.

The AEAWA stated that 20 new call takers is just the ‘start’, the Joyce Inquiry into the Ambulance Service identified the need for 14 call takers (with the workload we had ten years ago), we regularly run shifts with half this amount. Currently SJA are in the process of employing 17 new SOC employees.

Poor employee morale – Members believe that high call volumes, low staffing levels and a lack of support are the cause of low morale in the room. Members state the workforce is at breaking point and the new round of audits are pushing staff to high stress levels.

SJA believe some of the previous mentioned outcomes to issues raised in this meeting will certainly help to reduce employee concerns.

The AEAWA agreed ‘as long as SJA actually follow through’.

Inconsistencies with radio dispatch hours – The allocation of dispatch hours was raised again to state the allocation is not equitable and that officers on less than full time hours were receiving more radio hours than others especially on shift crossovers as the DM’s were shift specific with rostering hours.

The AEAWA advised that this was an issue as some officers are being disadvantaged and asked why a non-manager e.g. Country Support could not do the allocations which makes it easier for officers to approach and discuss as a peer decision. Some shift/officers are happy but others are not.

SJA stated they would look at the situation as they were not aware there was an issue.

Permanent positions at the SOC and the Wangara Hub – Members were asking about the creation of permanent positions at Wangara as well as Belmont.

SJA responded that the organisation was looking at increasing clinical presence and that open discussion in regard to location was holding back a decision to make permanent positions for SOC members. At this stage the current arrangement will remain until outcomes on staffing and other attributes were finalised.

HLMs organising one for one swaps at hospitals whilst crews were on the ramp – The AEAWA raised the issue with HLM’s liaising with the ANC when a 1 for 1 swap/transfer was called in by the particular hospital. SOC radio operators are constantly under pressure to clear P1 & P2 calls in the community and without consultation the crew who is ramped suddenly appears on a transfer to another Hospital which has been arranged through the HLM and the ANC; leaving community calls of P1 & P2 still waiting. This should not be occurring as it DOES NOT free a crew from the ramp but simply incurs a further ramping situation elsewhere and increases waiting times in the community.

SJA replied that the HLM are to communicate through the RTM or DM as they are managers and not ANC’s. The preference is to attend to community calls before IHT’s unless the transfer is urgent and is going to a definitive location i.e. not through the ED department where it is likely to have a ramping effect on the crew.

The AEAWA asked SJA to circulate this instruction to Metro to pass to the HLM’s and Communications Centre staff to ensure everyone is on the same page.

AEAWA Committee AGM Minutes November 2020

AEAWA Annual General Meeting November 11th, 2020
Meeting officially opened by the President and Executive Committee

AGM Attendees
John Thomas, Donelle Carver, Lee Waller, Michelle Waller, Dave Higgins, Dave Abbott, Marty Kelly, Grant Huggins, Travis Kendrick, Chris Cox, Kyle Perkins, Dan Delpero, Kathryn Brookes, Peter Jones, Earl Stamp, Robyn McWilliams, Robert Hardy, Jaques Henn, Dave Bryant, Troy Sheppard, Mark Lyons, Callan McClure, Troy Sayer, Sue Kernaghan, Conrad Fairhead, Michael Hardwick and Julian Zacharias

AGM Apologies
Jon Flockton, Chris Smith, Gary Davies, Matt Neville, Troy Bates, Justin Brennan, Tim Dunlop, Cam Fiddock, Craig Hubbard, Justin Ingrey, Lee Mack, Jon Nobel, Kam Phagura, Mike Ficko, Ed McClean, Declan O’Neill, Andrew Kerfoot, Phil Stanatis, Tania Hill, Brett Moore, Dale Reid, Clive Broome, Chris Brown, Rex Bullock and Ed Doran.

The Current EBA Negotiations
Discussions took place on the two current EBA negotiations.
1) The Transport Officers Certified Agreement
The agreement details were discussed with the membership; rostering, pay scales, flexibility of leave and issues relating the current Paramedic Transport Officer were presented.

2) The Communications Officers Certified agreement
The agreement details were discussed with the membership; rostering, the pay scales, flexibility of leave and issues relating to
staffing levels were presented.

Upcoming EBA The upcoming Paramedic EBA was discussed. The membership was advised that any recommendations for the committee to present should be emailed to
the AEAWA. The membership was advised to periodically check the committee emails and view any website and Facebook posts to stay informed. It was discussed that this EBA we all need to stand together in order to achieve a good outcome for the membership.

Member Benefits
The many benefits of being a part of the AEAWA were presented. Members were advised that their fees pay for these benefits.

Professional Indemnity Insurance – with up to $20 million coverage for Paramedics. This benefit is a necessity for our registration with AHPRA. This benefit is detailed and listed on the AEAWA website.

Journey Cover Insurance – is available which covers you through workers compensation when traveling to and from work. This benefit is detailed and listed on the AEAWA website.

Bereavement Cover Scheme – is a new benefit where families of financial members are forwarded a one off payment of $5,000 to assist in payments during the difficult time of losing a loved one.

Salary Continuance – is also a new benefit offered by the AEAWA and BankVic for a period of 2 years and incorporates 90% of your pre-injury salary. This benefit is detailed and listed on the AEAWA website.

Fair Work Hearings
The membership was advised of the past and current Fair Work Commission hearings on items.
• The CorpPuls – and the recording capabilities of the device.
• Secondments – and the lack of openness and transparency by the organisations for filling these positions.
• Underpayments – where officers had been under paid.

Were presented (ensuring confidentiality was in place to protect member details) to the membership. AEAWA future aims We are all volunteers who provide their time and expertise for free. Your Committee are not remunerated, paid or compensated in any way for the time they provide. The Committee is a self-regulated, self-managed entity
with no political influence or interference. Your Committee is run by your colleagues, we are all Paramedics, Communications Officers and Transport Officers. The Committee is made up of the Executive, the Committee and the newly established Depot Delegates, and You the membership.

The Depot Delegates
Every Depot in the State of WA that have Paramedics were given the opportunity to elect a Depot Delegate. This new role was to ensure that the Committee is made aware of issues within the various regions are discovered earlier so that the AEAWA can sort these issues as soon as possible. The vast majority of Depots across the State now have a Delegate (some have more). If you would like to come on board with one of these new positions please contact the AEAWA. There are many issues that are discussed in these environments, now the membership can discuss these items with a Delegate in order for them to present these concerns to the Committee.

What the AEAWA has achieved
The membership was advised of current Committee achievements;
• Favourable Fair Work Commission outcomes.
• A good strong membership base.
• A well versed and experienced Committee.
• Maintaining a well experienced team for members involved in disciplinary measures.
• Introduction of excellent member benefits

The AEAWA Treasurer Report
The accounts of the AEAWA are in a strong position. This is due to a couple of factors, increasing membership and a very low cost structure used in the running of the Association. The financial position of the AEAWA was presented to the membership. As was the annual Audit performed by Anderson Munroe and Wyllie. The audit notes “The financial statements give a true and fair view of the financial position as at 30 June 2020 and of the performance for the year ended on that date of the Association.” The membership was given an opportunity to raise questions or comments, none were raised.

Amended Constitution
The membership was reminded of the notice of a resolution sent to them that we intended to amend the constitution. The members were advised that the amendments were available on the website. A brief outline of the amendments was given to those who had not reviewed the amendments. The membership was given an opportunity to speak for or against the motion. No members spoke. The motion was put in place and passed unanimously.

The AEAWA Secretary Report
The Committee are currently working on the development of a website (to update the current website) in which members can access all Committee, JCC, EBA and AGM minutes, along with accessing current updated information. Facebook seems to be the most appropriate medium for the membership to access important information instantaneously. The information from the AEAWA Facebook page will be made available on the website so that members who are not on this medium can access and see what is occurring.

A database is also currently being developed for the AEAWA Member Management System. Members were advised to check the website periodically for changes. The new website is looking at this stage to go live around midDecember, 2020.

Questions from the floor

What is the Committee doing for the ‘new’ employees regarding protecting the conditions we have and looking towards the future?
The response related to ALL officers understanding their rights at work, and having knowledge regarding policies, the Operational Guidelines and the Certified Agreements.
The newly appointed Depot Delegates can assist greatly in this area as they can talk to new employees about the conditions we have been fought for and maintained by members of the Committee. We as a whole should be standing together and understanding we can make real positive change in our workplace.

What are we currently doing in relation to the Joint Consultative Committees?
The Committee gather responses from the membership, then present those concerns to the organisation for discussion. The new website will have the status and progress of these concerns, along with what we can all do to minimise the stresses placed on members. The membership was urged to document their concerns and contact the Committee.

Meeting officially closed by the President and Executive Committee
The membership was thanked for attending the AGM, and were advised that a quorum had been achieved, and the changes to the Constitution would occur with their support.

AEAWA Committee Minutes for 9th September, 2020

Meeting officially opened by the President and Executive Committee
08:30-10:30 on September 9th 2020

Committee Attendees
John Thomas, Donelle Carver, Lee Waller, Dave Higgins, Dave Abbott, Marty Kelly, Earl Stamp, Gary Davies, Conrad Fairhead, Jon Flockton, Michael Hardwick, Gary Davies and Cam Fiddock.

Committee Apologies
Dave Bryant, Tim Dunlop, Cam Fidock, Craig Hubbard, Justin Ingrey, Gary Davies, and Brett Moore.

Previous Minutes
Passed by Mr Kelly and Mrs Carver

AEAWA Membership
The membership has been increasing at a very fast rate, with up to 12 new members joining last month.

The AEAWA Treasurer Report
The accounts of the AEAWA are in a strong position and was presented to the Committee. Other items discussed
• Finance balance presented to the Committee
• Accounting package Xero commenced
• Bookkeeping review of the association.

The AEAWA Secretary Report
The Secretary provided information on incoming and outgoing correspondence, which included letters to and from St John Ambulance. Items related to the website was discussed, these included a presentation of new website shown to the Committee, minor changes discussed, and final product will be presented to the AEAWA Executive
for signoff at the next meeting.

Membership Correspondence
No member correspondence presented at the meeting.

Legal Representation
Numerous Fair Work Commission attendances by the AEAWA Executive have been occurring. The Executive have met with various Lawyers in order to ensure the best outcome for the membership. The Committee has an excellent record at these hearings and hope to maintain that into the future.

AEAWA Upcoming AGM
Venues chosen. North Fremantle. Details to be sent out shortly to the membership for attendance.

AEAWA Delegate Training
The ability to have more representatives available to the membership the AEAWA are reviewing the idea of providing training to delegates who wish to enter the membership representation process. The Committee will oversee these training.

Next Committee Meeting
The next AEAWA Committee meeting – TBA

Meeting officially closed by the President
The Committee will re-convene in two weeks’ time

AEAWA Committee Minutes for 1st July, 2020

Meeting officially opened by the President and Executive Committee
08:30-10:30 on July 1st 2020

Committee Attendees
John Thomas, Donelle Carver, Lee Waller, Dave Higgins, Dave Abbott, Marty Kelly, Earl Stamp, Dave Bryant, Conrad Fairhead, Gary Davies and Michael Hardwick.

Committee Apologies
Jon Flockton, Gary Davies, Troy Bates, Justin Brennan, Tim Dunlop, Cam Fiddock, Craig Hubbard, Justin Ingrey and Lee Mack.

Previous Minutes
Passed by Mr Kelly and Mrs Carver

Upcoming EBA
The upcoming Paramedic EBA was discussed. The membership was advised that any recommendations for the committee to present should be on the form of a survey.

The AEAWA Treasurer Report
The AGM items were discussed as well as catering for the membership. IT/Communications equipment will also be obtained.

The AEAWA Secretary Report
The Victorian Ambulance Union provides some great member benefits, and some of these were discussed. The Committee will reconvene in one month to see what we could include for our members.

AEAWA Membership
A total of 13 new members joined the AEAWA this fortnight.

AEAWA Depot Delegates
The concept of Depot Delegates was approved and emails sent to gauge how well the membership would respond to such a change in the Committee structure.

General Business
Item 1 – Under resourcing. The community being forced to wait 50 minutes for an emergency ambulance and up to 4 hours for P2 calls is extremely dangerous for the public. SJA telling callers an ambulance is being dispatched when they know one won’t be available for hours. This IS NOT the call takers it is a company policy aligned with ProQA instructions. The Committee has approached SJA regarding poor coverage and reduced resourcing. There appears to be absolutely no indication from management about placing more crews on the road to manage the workload.

Item 2 – Reduced amount of working vehicles. Crews coming in to commence shift and waiting over an hour for an ambulance to return to the depot. Delaying emergency response to the public. The Committee will approach the organisation regarding the lack of vehicles at depots.

Next Committee Meeting
The next AEAWA Committee meeting – TBA

Meeting officially closed by the President
The Committee will re-convene in two weeks’ time.

AEAWA Committee Minutes for 7th May, 2020

Meeting officially opened by the President and Executive Committee
08:30-10:30 on May 7th 2020

Committee Attendees
John Thomas, Donelle Carver, Lee Waller, Dave Higgins, Dave Abbott, Marty Kelly, Earl Stamp, Gary Davies, Conrad Fairhead, Jon Flockton, Michael Hardwick, Gary Davies and Cam Fiddock.

Committee Apologies
Dave Bryant, Troy Bates, Justin Brennan, Tim Dunlop, Cam Fidock, Craig Hubbard, Justin Ingrey, Lee Mack, Gary Davies, Kam Phagura and Brett Moore.

Previous Minutes
Passed by Mr Higgins and Mrs Carver

The AEAWA Treasurer Report
The accounts of the AEAWA are in a strong position and was presented to the Committee. Other items discussed included;
• Finance balance presented to the Committee
• Accounting package Xero to cost $25. – $50. Per month depending on the number of transactions per month.
• Bookkeeping – K. Banducci Quoted $75. Per hr and estimated 3 – 4 hrs to set up the Xero system and 1 hr per month ongoing to keep the system up to date. Passed by the Committee

The AEAWA Secretary Report
The Secretary provided information on incoming and outgoing correspondence, which included letters to and from St John Ambulance. Items related to the website was discussed, these included;
• Presentation on what the design looks like at this stage
• Added items suggested by the Committee was added into the system

AEAWA Membership
A total of 11 new members joined the AEAWA this fortnight.

Upcoming AEAWA AGM
Venues for the AEAWA Annual General Meeting are currently being looked at. Food and drinks will be provided and members will be able to ask the Committee questions. A small AEAWA presentation will start the meeting. The Committee will be disbanded at this meeting and re-elected at a later date in line with the AEAWA

Membership Correspondence
There was no correspondence from the membership this fortnight.

Next Committee Meeting
The next AEAWA Committee meeting – TBA

Meeting officially closed by the President
The Committee will re-convene in two weeks’ time.

AEAWA Transport JCC Minutes for 3rd May, 2020

Meeting commenced
10:00-14:00 on May 3rd, 2022

Committee Attendee’s
Lee Waller

Committee Apologies
Jon Noble

SJA Attendees
Natalie Braxton, Alan Cline, Tony Fitzgerald and John Backo

Opening Statement
A request for input across the agenda items was requested, to gauge the on-road feeling of staff. SJA stated some things have been lost during communication. Further JCC’s it’s been requested that each group place on 6-8 agenda items each so that we can move through the items more quickly. Some items have not been resolved and other items have been on hold for a long time. A commitment to establish a priority agenda list was agreed to. However, all items should be reviewed at some stage to allay any concerns across the fleet.

SJA have been successful in all areas of the contracts, however for some they are not the exclusive tenders, as many other parties have been included. Online bookings will predominantly stay. Calls in may be changed if we cannot attend these calls, there may be an opportunity to change the pickup times or decline the call if resources are limited. SDS, Wilsons and NPT are also involved, and they will most likely attend if we don’t.

Competition is now in the marketplace more than ever before. SJA have lost some work in the past 18-months as ambulance are not doing that work due to emergency workload. RFDS work is also being discussed regarding the contract, between SJA, Health and RFDS. No wheelchair transport in the new contract under the Department of Health will occur (approx. 80% of the wheelchair vehicle workload), these patients will be placed in PTV’s. If it’s a hospital pick up or the patient is being transported from hospital to a facility, the new contract will not allow these patients to be transported in the usual SJA wheelchair vehicle.

SJA want to scale up their Transport numbers to fulfil these contracts. A review of casuals (required hours) is being reviewed along with the cycle times, to see how they can improve. Questions such as are we driving too long to scenes, are we being overly ramped, or are there other hospital delays occurring effecting our times will be reviewed. Basically, are these issues related to the hospitals, our dispatching or a mixture of both.

Four new vehicles are close to being made available over the next few weeks. They are an addition to the fleet, not replacements. The current BCP level is being reviewed for Ambulance Transport Officers, SJA have stated that the absentee rate for PTS is a lot lower than expected, hence why the review is to occur.

The Community Transport Officer role has been impacted; a greatly reduced scope of transport is being discussed. Further information will be made available at a later date. However, much of the calls they were doing have been altered.

Country Transport Officers can request roster changes. In the past this been excluded for our country members. SJA have stated they will review these requests when they are made aware. For future JCCs there may be an opportunity for PTS comms to be involved in the meetings. This way a dispatch perspective can paly a part in the discussions.

New Baby Blankets
These will be placed into the new vehicles; they are DHS blankets. When the older ones come in, when the vehicles are being serviced, they will also be replaced. If crews need to request the baby capsule so the patient can be transported safely, rather than using the blanket they should do so.

The AEAWA would like to remind the members that only approved (by the manufacturer) options should be used. The current Baby Blanket can only be used in ‘emergency situations. Crews should arrange a capsule and not feel pressured to transport the patient.

Fatigue Management
RASOs coming in to work at SJA after they have completed their full-time work. Some officers have worked 17 days straight. SJA have stated they should have a 9-hour break before they commence their SJA shift. This is for employee safety.

If any member believes they may be at risk should contact the Transport Team Leader ASAP to discuss, if they are not happy with the answer, they should contact an AEAWA Delegate immediately.

SJA Contacting Casual Officers
SJA have been contacting casuals that have not worked for extensive periods of time to ascertain if they are still happy to work for the organisation. Some officers have left, and others are only working four shifts a year. These officers have been encouraged to work more hours, to stay current in-patient contact. There are too many casuals on the books that have not completed shifts in a significantly long time.

If you are a casual Ambulance Transport Officer and have been contacted regarding your reduced work capacity, please contact the AEAWA ([email protected]) for any required support.

Shift Start Times
Employees are not given appropriate times to check their vehicles. SJA have stated that if you commence your shift at 07:00, that is when you start. A time-in-motion check will be investigated by SJA to see how long a vehicle check should occur (obviously vehicles will be in different states but at least a time frame for specific checks should occur). This is similar to a claim within the Paramedic/Ambulance Officer EBA negotiations.

During a recent discussion with the AEAWA and the Fair Wok Commissioner SJA DO NOT want to pay overtime for crews to attend work early to check their vehicle. This creates issues when you start your shift on time and are requested to roll out at your start time. A study will occur soon to see exactly how long it should take to check your vehicle. This time will be allotted at the commencement of your shift. Further information will be provided.

Section 4 – Not for Resus
St John of God Hospitals will no longer be filling out these forms. So crews will no longer have the form issue within this health setting. This item has now been resolved due to this and has been removed from the list of items. If any further instances arise, the AEAWA will return this topic to the agenda.

Team Leaders at on-road Stations
Management have had a lot more contact with staff on road. The recent Culture Survey (last years) said that management were not on-road, they were not contactable. Team Leaders now have laptops and are working in multiple areas so they can be seen by more employees. Some steps to address the survey responses have occurred and others are under development. These will be communicated at a later date.

Community Transport and Inappropriate Jobs
Grayland’s jobs with escorts and interhospital transfers have occurred and some terminally ill patients have been transported. Formed patients (over the last 3 months) have been tasked with an escort. This is not appropriate, and a review should occur regarding these types of calls.

As the scope has been greatly reduced, this should no longer occur. This item has been removed, again if it arises, please contact the AEAWA for it to be re-added.

PTS Dispatch During Jobs (raised in the previous JCC)
Dispatch often calling whilst they are dealing with patients, some crews cannot answer the call, and officers are being called repeatedly. One case a crew were wearing gowns and could not answer the call and received numerous calls. AEAWA – Crews are not happy as nearly every 20 minutes they are getting a call. There was an acknowledgment that ‘welfare checks’ are required in the community, but many of these calls are occurring whilst crews are in hospitals. It appears there has been a directive to call crews every 20-minutes to see what the holdup is. SJA were going to review.

The AEAWA raised that this is still occurring and provided numerous examples. SJA stated that if crews can not physically answer the phone – don’t answer it. As soon as the crew is able, call comms and let them know and just advise you couldn’t answer at that time.

Ready Now Calls (raised in the previous JCC)
Calls are getting brought forward to ‘ready now’ and the patient is never ready. Sometimes crews are driving 30 minutes to a ready now call only to be told the paperwork isn’t ready. The question was raised who changes the call to ready now? SJA – stated this will be reviewed, specifically how the ready now gets activated and assigned. There was no clear answer on how this occurs, and feedback will be presented around this.

The AEAWA stated this is still happening, many crews are saying the same thing, the job is booked as ready now but when you arrive on the ward the nurse says your early, we are not ready and then the crew must help the nurse pack patients belongings and wait for paperwork. Some cases people have been picked up early but when arrived at the destination, the other end is not ready as they still have a patient waiting to go or a room to be cleaned.

SJA stated to call comms and let them know you have arrived and the patient is not ready, provide an estimated ready time and comms will make the decision if you stay or not. Instruction will be sent out to Transport employees explaining this soon.

Reporting damaged vehicles
Some look appalling, hubcaps missing, dents. Items missing. SJA want staff to report these so the insurance claims can be processed. SJA reiterated today this will not create a discussion point with any officer, this is a safety issue. Anyone can report the damage, the organisation will not assume that the reporting officer caused the damage. Crews reporting these issues early can reduce severe damage occurring to the vehicles or even injury to their colleagues. These issues when left will become worse.

The AEAWA are supportive of reporting damage to vehicles ASAP to increase member safety.

Reasonable Overtime
Our members in the country have stated that on occasions they are ‘coerced’ into doing long shift extensions. An example given was a crew who were knocking off in three-hours when they were given a transfer to Perth, effectively a 7-hour turnaround. Yes, the crew has three hours left to work, but a four-hour shift extension is NOT reasonable. SJA will review these occurrences.

As always if a member finds themselves in this situation, let us know immediately and we can discuss this at a senior Management level to resolve this. Of course, if you are happy to do it…. Enjoy the OT.

Wheelchair Grab Handle
A discussion took place on the grab handle being too low and too far away, if the patient has reduced capacity to hold their weight on the bar or even reach it, it can be extremely difficult for a solo officer to assist the patient in and out of the vehicle. Engineering have reviewed this and there is no other option in replacing the grab handle.

In light of this result the AEAWA would like to remind all our members as always, your safety is our concern. If you need assistance call for a backup. If this request is denied contact the AEAWA directly.

Wheelchair Head Rest
Members have asked if the head rest on the wheelchair has to be used during transport. The response was, it is in the instruction manual to do so, and it is safer for patients. Hence it should be used at all times.

Bariatric Wheelchair
Members are reminded that there is no bariatric wheelchair, crews should call Team Leaders to provide assistance.

People refusing wheelchair shifts
SJA are currently reviewing is this a skill set issue, a training issue or a confidence issue? Further feedback will be provided when available.

Heating in the Transfer Bus
Members have stated it is extremely cold and patients often complain. This was reviewed and the feedback was there is no place to house the heater due to the stretcher configuration and the general design of the vehicle.

Changing Shift Times
If staff want to change times, contact management and they will see if the changes do not impact in a negative way. If not, then the change will be considered. Flexibility in roster times should be able to occur. SJA will review all requests.

Shift Extensions
Notify comms if you cannot do OT at the end of the shift. Instances of crews calling to advise late in the shift can cause issues, If a member provides sufficient notice, the request will have a higher chance of approval.

Any issues with this directive please contact the AEAWA.

Transport Specific Rostering Capability
An employee is now working with rosters that is Transport specific. The role is assisting many of these changes. There has been a downward trend in absenteeism since this has been established. SJA will review if there is a permanent need for this role.

Some concern amongst the membership regarding advertising this role. The AEAWA will inform officers of the outcome.

Contacting Clinical Support Paramedics
Use of CSPs and inconstant information – CSP’s are a larger organisational resource and not necessarily a transport specific role. Take the clinical guidance at a time. Questions were raised that some CSPs don’t really have an understanding of Transport specific issues and their specific CPGs. SJA have stated to always follow the CSP advice. CSPs are shift colour specific and most transport employees work Monday-Friday, so continuity is always going to be difficult to maintain.

Hospitals telling crews what jobs they are doing
A crew attended a hospital for one job and the hospital staff stated no you’re doing this one. SJA have stated crews placed in this situation should call comms and feedback what is occurring on-scene.

The AEAWA agree, it should not be up to the officers to sort this. Management should be contacted, and that Manager should be calling the hospital and making a decision of who is to be transported.

Next meeting

AEAWA Committee Minutes for 22nd April, 2020

Meeting officially opened by the President and Executive Committee
08:30-10:30 on May 22nd 2020

Committee Attendees
John Thomas, Donelle Carver, Lee Waller, Dave Higgins, Dave Abbott, Marty Kelly, Earl Stamp, Gary Davies, Conrad Fairhead, Jon Flockton, Michael Hardwick, Gary Davies and Cam Fiddock.

Committee Apologies
Dave Bryant, Troy Bates, Justin Brennan, Tim Dunlop, Cam Fidock, Craig Hubbard, Justin Ingrey, Lee Mack, Gary Davies, Kam Phagura and Brett Moore.

Previous Minutes
Passed by Mr Flockton and Mr Davies

The AEAWA Treasurer Report
The accounts of the AEAWA are in a strong position and was presented to the Committee. Other items discussed included;
• Finance balance presented to the Committee
• Work being done in order to allow members to use their fortnightly AEAWA fees as a tax deduction.
• New financial software installed into the database to allow faster more streamlined use.
• Database amendments so that financial members who resign from SJA can be removed from the system

The AEAWA Secretary Report
The Secretary provided information on incoming and outgoing correspondence, which included letters to and from St John Ambulance. Items related to the website was discussed, these included;
• Building the membership database
• Updates on what is required from an Executive point
• Presentation on what the design looks like at this stage

FaceBook has been a great medium to disseminate information, unfortunately not all officers use this medium, the new website will have the FaceBook messages loaded straight into the news section so members not on FaceBook can receive the information.

AEAWA Membership
A total of 13 new members joined the AEAWA this fortnight.

Impact of COVID-19
Due to the social distancing and the impacts COVID-19 has had, future AEAWA meetings will be online until further notice.

General Business

Item 1 – Priority 2 transfers. Crews constantly called to EDs for P2 patients that are clearly P4s and even transport suitable, to transfer the patient to an ED with multiple crews ramped. Some crews stuck with P2 transfers for over 4-hours. The Committee are in discussion with SJA management about the way crews are being utilised for low
grade priority transfers booked on an urgent P2.

Item 2 – Acoustic Shock incidents in the SOC. Members in the Control Room have had an extremely difficult time working with faulty equipment and receiving
ear injuries, which have been denied by Allianz the insurer (stating these injuries must not have occurred from work or leaving the first check up until 6 weeks post event so that the injuries subside and then deny the claim). The Committee have had numerous meeting with management about these issues and maintain a firm
line that any injury suffered at work is workers compensation. NO Communications Officer will be left with medical payments or lost time off due to these injuries.

Next Committee Meeting
The next AEAWA Committee meeting – TBA

Meeting officially closed by the President
The Committee will re-convene in two weeks’ time.

AEAWA Committee Minutes for 25th March, 2020

Meeting officially opened by the President and Executive Committee
08:30-10:30 on March 25th 2020

Committee Attendees
John Thomas, Donelle Carver, Lee Waller, Dave Higgins, Dave Abbott, Marty Kelly, Earl Stamp, Dave Bryant, Conrad Fairhead, Gary Davies and Michael Hardwick.

Committee Apologies
Jon Flockton, Gary Davies, Troy Bates, Justin Brennan, Tim Dunlop, Cam Fiddock, Craig Hubbard, Justin Ingrey, Lee Mack, Kam Phagura and Brett Moore

Previous Minutes
Passed by Mr Abbott and Mr Kelly

AEAWA Portfolios
Discussions took place relating to what portfolios are required in order for the AEAWA to run seamlessly and provide members with consistency. Portfolios would consist of
1. Financial
2. Membership
3. IT/Website Design
4. Member Benefits
5. Member Representation
6. AEAWA meetings such as EBA, JCC etc

Upcoming EBA
The upcoming Paramedic EBA was discussed. The membership was advised that any recommendations for the committee to present should be emailed to the AEAWA.

Member Benefits
Member benefits have been well received by the membership, the Committee is currently reviewing even more potential benefits for the future.

AEAWA Depot Delegates
The concept of Depot Delegates was presented to the Committee in an effort to have a greater presence throughout the state. A document (FAQ) for the membership is to be developed and presented at the next AEAWA Committee meeting.

The AEAWA Treasurer Report
The accounts of the AEAWA are in a strong position, due to a couple of factors; increasing membership and a very low-cost structure used in the running of the Association.
Amended Constitution The AEAWA are required to amend their constitution, the Treasurer will update the Committee in upcoming meetings on what is required. These changes will be presented to the membership at the AGM in November.

The AEAWA Secretary Report
The Committee are currently working on the development of a website (to update the current website) in which members can access all Committee, JCC, EBA and AGM minutes, along with accessing current updated information.

AEAWA Membership
A total of 17 new members joined the AEAWA this fortnight.

General Business 

Item 1 – Ramping. Crews are being asked to take patients for x-rays and requested to take patients for numerous procedures whilst on the ramp. The Committee will approach the organisation about this practice to ascertain the reasoning why this has become an ambulance issue.

Item 2 – Dynamic Deployment
Crews are being sent to locations, traveling 35 minutes to arrive at a depot staffed with a full complement of resources. The Committee will approach the organisation about this practice to understand who makes this decision, and what is that decision based on. We understand this is manager dependent; that is some Duty Mangers are more prone than others to initiate this practice.

Item 3 – Multiple Patients on the Ramp. Crews are being asked to take over multiple patients whilst on the ramp. This could be classed as a significant clinical risk. This member believes that sooner or later a patient will die on the ramp and SJA will blame that officer. The Committee will approach the organisation about this practice to understand who makes this decision, and what is that decision based on. We understand this is manager dependent; that is some Duty Mangers are more prone than others to initiate this practice.

Item 4 – Overtime Equality. Fulltime PTOs in some country regions are not given the opportunity to work overtime shifts, SJA arrange shift coverage with casuals, and if these employees cannot do the shift, the vehicle is closed. The Committee will approach the organisation about this practice to understand and try to collaborate in order to make it a more transparent and equal process in filling OT shifts.

Next Committee Meeting
The next AEAWA Committee meeting – TBA

Meeting officially closed by the President
The Committee will re-convene in two weeks’ time.

AEAWA SOC JCC Minutes for 19th Febraury, 2020

SOP for changing volumes for Radio Dispatchers – A SOP will be written on changing volumes on the radio for dispatchers to follow to reduce injuries. There have been too many acoustic shock events in the SOC. This initial SOP will assist in reducing some employee injuries, but not all.

SJA have currently emailed officers, notifying them of the SOP, and visual warnings next to the desk for staff to follow have been placed.

The AEAWA recognises this is a small intervention as the wider issue is still occurring. The equipment our members are using in the room has been proven to be unsafe, antiquated and responsible for numerous injuries.

Acoustic Protection Devices – In line with trying to reduce employee injury SJA have stated they will purchase 60 Acoustic Protection Devices for both the SOC and Wangara Hub.

SJA have stated these will be installed in the room by March 2nd 2021.

100 MDA Paltronic headsets to be purchased – In line with trying to reduce employee injury SJA have stated they will purchase 100 MDA Paltronic headsets for each employee.

SJA have stated these will be purchased and given to employees by March 2nd 2021.

New chairs for SOC employees – Members at the SOC have stated numerous times that the chairs they are using are uncomfortable and have outlived their use by dates. Numerous times SJA have been approached to purchase new chairs in the room.

SJA have assured both the AEAWA and SOC employees that the new chairs will be provided by March 2nd 2020. 

New screens in both the SOC and Wangara Hub – One of the things looked at with CAD, a suggestion to go from 3 screens to one screen (big HD screen) and allow staff to set the screens up as they wish. This was to allow for a more seamless working environment.

Will be trialled soon, potentially on one radio then is feedback is positive a potential rollout.

Poor equipment in the SOC and Wangara Hub – Poor slow systems, multiple crews can not acknowledge AmbiCad so SOC are constantly asking crews for locations, causes angst amongst all parties and slows down the system. This causes significant stress and can result in crews taking longer to respond to the community.

SJA will review this and will provide feedback. 

Both the SOC and Wangara Hub computer sound cards – What is happening with the sound cards on the computers (not all have them). Employees can not comply with the EMD training modules.

SJA will review this and upgrade any of the computers that do not have sound capability. 

Some computers have been fitted out with soundcards, there are a few that have not.

When is a review of the entire network going to occur? – Potential review of the system to see what can possibly change in order to change things make it smoother and faster. Currently the computers freeze, the headsets vibrate and allow loud shrieks into the employees ears. Multiple injuries have occurred. WorkSafe WA have been involved multiple times and Radio cant seem to fix the issue.

SJA will review this and present findings at the next JCC.

Enough is enough. the AEAWA believe after 14-months and 30 incidents resulting in at least 7 employees needing time off work the organisation seems to be doing nothing to rectify these issues.

SOC employees access to the balcony area – Some SOC staff that use the balcony area for breaks are being advised they can not due to meeting occurring in the area. There are plenty of areas for staff and management to hold meetings, these should not occur in staff lunch areas.

SJA to review any issues, however it was agreed that this area is for SOC staff.

Staff are advised to email the AEAWA if they are feeling pressured to leave their lunch area.

Employed staff leaving for other positions – It was discussed that SJA are recruiting and training staff that are only working in the SOC for short periods of time, i.e., they apply for multi SJA positions, they may work in SOC for 6 months then leave to enter the paramedic training at university. In most cases SJA know this when employing these individuals. This places pressure on SOC staff to train an individual they know is leaving.

SJA has previously discussed this with various areas within and so far, this issue may potentially be ongoing until a solution is found.

Employees not completing their full shifts – Some individuals are arriving to work and not completing the full 12-hour shift, examples were provided on staff arrive at work at 06:50 and logging out and going home at 18:30. This leaves officers who have already worked their complete shift to stay even longer.

SJA do not want to change the times but will if a solution is not found they will have too. An email that you are employed for 12 hours will be sent by SJA, or a start/finish time will be decided by the organisation. Trial to fall back on the duty managers to monitor the times when are people clocking in and clocking out. Perhaps canvas the membership on what they want as well.

PTS Policies – Data on calls taken from SOC for PTS was presented, the hours of PTS had previously changed in order to reduce a multitude of calls being received in the SOC.

Start and finish times for PTS were reviewed and are being monitored. Potential to explorer the inability of SOC to send jobs to PTS 1.5 hours before end of shift. SJA to review these instances and provide feedback.

Constant computers freezing, radio failures, systems that are antiquated – Constant computers freezing, radio failures, systems that are antiquated and obviously are not keeping up with what needs to be required. Further updates to the systems often cause a multitude of issues causing stresses within the SOC.

SJA will review the issues.

Country redial number – Country Redial number country support, can the number be identified so it can come back to caller as callers call back and these are received by the RTM. Phone on dispatch for country, it should be like metro, the dispatcher is performing too many roles as the support is taking ‘000’ calls.

Once staff numbers improve the dispatcher will have a dedicated dispatcher on phone and also a country support officer to assist with the workload.

When is this staff number increase supposed to happen? SJA are currently reviewing the system (advised September 2021).

Extra Country Dispatcher – An extra Country Dispatcher to assist will limit significant employee stress. Country radio is extremely busy and with the person who is supposed to assist is always taking triple-o calls as the employee numbers within the SOC are dangerously low and often result in the community spending minutes trying to get though for an ambulance.

SJA believe this should occur when numbers increase.

The AEAWA would like to know when these ‘apparent’ extra employees will arrive.

Jandakot calls remaining on the system – Jandakot’s often sitting on screens for 24 hours, often causes delays, and there is a potential for calls to be missed. the allocation system constantly looks at these crews being available for calls. Causes significant stress for Radio Dispatchers sorting through crews who can actually attend the calls.

SJA believe the RFDS liaison office should be doing this, cleaning up the screen.

New employee shift allocation – New inductees being provided a permanent shift. They are being told in the college they will be, then they come out and are placed on a rotating shift pattern, this causes issues with childcare and other family commitments.

SJA will look and review, rosters will start going through the list system to fill the gaps in the roster so that students can be placed into areas after current officers are assigned to shifts. Leave blocks may need to change if you move to various other shifts. An April deadline for this process is more likely. A 16 week rotation may occur rather than every 8.

Radio etiquette – Radio etiquette, crews often click instead of acknowledging and correct radio use in some cases are not occurring. This often-required dispatchers to ask multiple times on air for an acknowledgement, which causes delays on dispatching other calls on the screen.

An email to all staff will be sent by SJA as a reminder of correct use of the radio.

The new ‘Sir’ and ‘Maam’ Protocol – The new ‘Sir’ or ‘Maam’ protocol, why is it necessary, creates confusion and staff think they appear unprofessional and not caring.

SJA will review this and review EMD specifics and will proved feedback.

Selcall for Cowcher – A Selcall at Cowcher is required, at times it is difficult to contact the crew.

SJA will review this and a consensus will be sought to see if one should be located there.

Sporting standbys on CAD – Sporting standbys on CAD creates confusion as the crews are coming up for metro responses which at times have delayed responses. We are struggling with no staff to answer triple-o calls, sometimes shifts miss over 400 emergency calls and staff are now logging on country crews for a sporting event. This takes a call taker out of the system for a sporting event.

SJA will review and provide feedback.

Abusive callers – NSW have a Zero Tolerance for abusive callers, some staff are being harassed on the phones and disturbing threats and/or comments are being relayed to staff. There is currently no protection by SJA for these occurrences, and there needs to be. ASNSW did a media campaign around this problem before the policy to ‘hang up’ was introduced.

SJA want further discussions to take place around this.

Country vehicle phones – Country vehicle phones an issue, too many numbers to call, phones in the vehicles, crew personnel mobiles and multiple depot mobiles cause delays in contacting crews. This results in poor response times to the community as valuable minutes are wasted calling multiple phones.

SJA will look into this.

Booking crews off the system on extended calls

Booking crews off on extended standbys, usually happen in country with certain long-term response (i.e bush fire standbys), these are occurring more and it is difficult to book crews off over this time frame..

SJA state this has been fixed.

Country events – Country Sporting events, SOC are placing these events on, receiving multiple calls during busy times, can these not be done by the crew or Regional Office? We are missing too many emergency calls, why are we then stopping answering triple-o calls to log a crew on for a sporting event? Which one of these does SJA prioritise?

Further discussions to reduce these calls have already commenced and feedback will be provided.

AEAWA Committee Minutes for 5th February, 2020

Meeting officially opened by the President and Executive Committee
08:30-10:30 on February 5th 2020

Committee Attendees
John Thomas, Donelle Carver, Lee Waller, Dave Higgins, Dave Abbott, Marty Kelly, Kieran Hutchinson and Michael Hardwick

Committee Apologies
Jon Flockton, Gary Davies, Earl Stamp, Lee Mack, Tim Dunlop, Conrad Fairhead and Dave Bryant.

Previous Minutes
Passed by Mr Thomas and Mrs Carver

Registration under ASIC and FWC
The AEAWA are able to move from the State to Federal arena as an association. Directors of the association will need to be established (new ABN etc) and those Directors will form part of the AEA. Meetings interstate have been arranged and a total of 4-5 delegates from the committee will attend. This will make the association stronger. St John will provide information to the committee shortly.

SOC Bargaining and Pre-meetings.
The SOC EBA is approaching and meetings will soon commence with SOC members. Delegates have been appointed for the upcoming EBA negotiations and SOC members will be made aware of who those members are and meeting schedules shortly. Lee W will contact SOC members shortly to commence the process.

Transport Officer Bargaining and Pre-meetings.
The Patient Transport EBA is approaching and meetings will soon commence with our members in Transport. Delegates have been appointed for the upcoming EBA negotiations and Transport members will be made aware Of who those members are and meeting schedules shortly. After numerous discussions with many Transport Officers, a recruitment drive for future members has commenced.

This came after numerous officers approached the AEA to join as members. Some Transport Officers would also like to join the committee to assist with their negotiations, and general matters relating to their role. Any Transport Officer who would like to join the committee is strongly urged to contact the AEA.

Financial Position
Feedback from AEA members has been the dispersal of information. The AEAWA committee has tasked an IT specialist to assist in setting up multiple platforms for members to receive information. Administrators for the website and the various social media platforms were discussed. Kieran H, Dave H and Lee W will handle these platforms and will present that information at the next committee meeting.

General Recruitment
There are still officers throughout the workforce who are not aligned with anyone body in relation to employee representation. Delegates are urged to promote the AEA were appropriate. All Committee members tasked with this role. Feedback will occur via email amongst the committee.

Legal Representation
As there have been multiple incidents lately of disciplinary matters amongst the members, multiple representations from AEA delegates have occurred. Very few incidents require more than one of the committees experienced delegates to assist in the matter. However, of late some members have felt the need that a Lawyer is required to assist in the matter.

The AEAWA are currently writing a policy relating to when other parties (other than your representative) are required to get involved in the process. This along with Lawyers’ fees were discussed. Dave H to write the policy and present at the next AEA meeting.

Portfolio Distribution
As there are multiple meetings (Commission, EBA, JCC & SOC) along with employee representations of late, for continuity it was decided to assign a committee member to a portfolio to assist were required. For the time being Paramedics (Country/Metropolitan/224/Day Van), SOC and Transport have been assigned with a delegate. Information will soon be made available on the AEAWA website shortly.

General Business

Item 1 – AEAWA Delegate Meetings. All AEA delegates are urged to account for time and specific tasks they have performed over the previous month. Representations, meetings and other association matters should be recorded. Confidentiality is of upmost importance. Officer names and incidents that could potentially identify an officer should never be disseminated. All delegates to provide that information once a month and the committee meetings.

Item 2 – Transport Officer App. The Transport Officers have an app in which they communicate with, it would be wise to contact our Transport Officers to see if they would like for the AEA to communicate to our members via this medium. Lee W will assist with this and relay back to the committee ASAP.

Item 3 – Student Paramedic Presentation. The college have invited the AEAWA committee (Wednesday March 5th) to talk to the new employees about to commence their careers on the road. In the past we have had numerous delegates present to the students, this will be an ongoing process for each upcoming school. The committee will explain our role, why we are required and what we can do for them as a group. John T, Donelle C, Lee W, Dave A will provide the presentation.

Item 4 – SOC Students Presentation. The college have invited the AEAWA committee (Thursday March 6th) to talk to the new employees about to commence their careers in SOC. The committee will explain our role, why we are required and what we can do for them as a group. John T, Donelle C, Lee W, Dave A will provide the presentation.

Item 5 – AEAWA Logo. Discussions have taken place regarding the AEAWA logo. Do we require a new one, should we align with South Australia etc. Dave H will provide numerous logo examples at an upcoming committee meeting.

The AEAWA Treasurer Report
The accounts of the AEAWA are in a strong position and was presented to the Committee. Revue of association fees and revenue for upcoming financial year was discussed. Marty K will provide the committee with further details.

The AEAWA Secretary Report
The Secretary provided information on incoming and outgoing correspondence, which included letters to and from St John Ambulance, the Department of Health and other various ambulance specific unions and associations.

AEAWA Membership
A total of 30 new members joined the AEAWA this fortnight. Currently Dave H is greeting the associations newest members as they create an account with us. This has been working well and will continue in the future.

General Business 

Item 1 – Code of Conduct Policy
SJA have become very heavy handed with this policy, and numerous officers have in the Committee’s opinion been dealt harsh punishments without a shred of evidence being presented. SJA believe ‘on the balance of probabilities’ most employees are in the wrong. Certain ER staff seem to use this more than others. The Committee are in discussion with SJA management about the unfairness of this Policy.

Item 2 – Overtime Policy
Many believe the way SJA provides employees with OT is unfair, certain officers always appear to be given more opportunities than others. It does not seem a fair and equitable process. The Committee will always push for fair processes, and the OT Policy will be an agenda item at the upcoming JCC meetings.

Next Committee Meeting
The next AEAWA Committee meeting – TBA

Meeting officially closed by the President
The Committee will re-convene in two weeks’ time.

AEAWA Committee Minutes for 29th January, 2020

Meeting officially opened by the President and Executive Committee
08:30-10:30 on January 29th 2020

Committee Attendees
John Thomas, Donelle Carver, Lee Waller, Dave Higgins, Dave Abbott, Marty Kelly, Earl Stamp, Dave Bryant, Conrad Fairhead, Gary Davies and Cam Fiddock,

Committee Apologies
Jon Flockton, Gary Davies, Troy Bates, Justin Brennan, Tim Dunlop, Cam Fiddock, Craig Hubbard, Justin Ingrey, Lee Mack, Gary Davies, Kam Phagura and Brett Moore.

Previous Minutes
Passed by Mr Flockton and Mr Davies

Social Media Platforms
Feedback from AEA members has been the dispersal of information. The AEAWA committee has tasked an IT specialist to assist in setting up multiple platforms for members to receive information. Administrators for the website and the various social media platforms were discussed. The AEAWA Executive will manage the dispersal of information through all mediums.

General Recruitment
There are still officers throughout the workforce who are not aligned with anyone body in relation to employee representation. Delegates are urged to promote the AEA were appropriate. All Committee members tasked with this role. Feedback will occur via email amongst the committee.

The AEAWA Treasurer Report
The accounts of the AEAWA are in a strong position and was presented to the Committee.

The AEAWA Secretary Report
The Secretary provided information on incoming and outgoing correspondence, which included letters to and from St John Ambulance, the Department of Health and other various ambulance specific unions and associations.

AEAWA Membership
A total of 30 new members joined the AEAWA this fortnight.

General Business 

Item 1 – Code of Conduct Policy
SJA have become very heavy handed with this policy, and numerous officers have in the Committee’s opinion been dealt harsh punishments without a shred of evidence being presented. SJA believe ‘on the balance of probabilities’ most employees are in the wrong. Certain ER staff seem to use this more than others. The Committee are in discussion with SJA management about the unfairness of this Policy.

Item 2 – Overtime Policy
Many believe the way SJA provides employees with OT is unfair, certain officers always appear to be given more opportunities than others. It does not seem a fair and equitable process. The Committee will always push for fair processes, and the OT Policy will be an agenda item at the upcoming JCC meetings.

Next Committee Meeting
The next AEAWA Committee meeting – TBA

Meeting officially closed by the President
The Committee will re-convene in two weeks’ time.

AEAWA Archived Minutes
Current Year

If you would like to see positive changes for your workplace then be a part of the AEAWA Committee.

Contact us and become an AEA Committee Member.