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Overtime Denied

By 16 April 2022April 26th, 2022No Comments

There have been many instances of late were members have contacted the AEAWA after being denied overtime from rosters only to find out that numerous RASO crews have filled the gaps in the roster.

The AEAWA Executive have contacted SJA after each of these reported instances, as we believe this goes against ALL of our discussions on how the RASO crews should be implemented.

Today we have had communication from the SJA Ambulance Service Director stating that overtime should in the first instance be offered to AO/AP or AP/AP crews first.

As part of those discussions we are asking anyone who contacts rosters and is denied the overtime to send an email to [email protected] detailing who they spoke to at rosters and the time and the date the OT was declined. This will allow tracking of the OT denial and an RT check to see if a RASO crew was working on the same shift.

We also ask you to bcc the AEAWA into that email ([email protected]) so we can maintain transparency within this process.

Also, if you have been told ‘no’ to OT since March 21, 2022 please email the same details to the above parties.

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